Check out Mrs. New's Counseling Corner website!!
Students can meet with the counselor anytime a need arises. How does the counselor know what student’s may need them? A student can refer themselves (just by letting Mrs. New know), parents can refer their student by using the link below, and teachers can refer a student by using the link provided below. Anyone is free to email or call the counselor to provide further information at anytime.
Message from the Counselor: August 2024
I would like to take this time to inform you about my responsibilities as your student's school counselor. My name is Julie New and I am the elementary counselor at Holliday ISD. Some of the counseling services that I will provide this year include the following:
Individual and small group counseling will be done as needed, but if more extensive time in counseling is considered necessary I will contact you with referral information with an outside agency/counselor. If you have any questions or concerns or feel there is a need for counseling regularly, please contact me at 586-1986 or I am looking forward to a great school year.
Julie New