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This syllabus applies to both Pre-Algebra and Algebra.


Materials Needed:​ Composition notebook, pencils, graphing calculator (checked out to you by HMS unless you have your own), and enthusiasm. Outside internet access will be need for some assignments, however students may use the chrome books when necessary before school, during Enrichment, or after school. ​We will have projects which may require materials you are responsible for supplying (poster board, etc). *Note that use of a calculator in the classroom may be restricted for certain work and quizzes.


Grading percentages: Tests/Quizzes = 40%, Homework = 30%, Classwork = 30%


Participation​ in classroom discussions and activities, as well as attendance, is vital to your success and achievement in this course. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to come in for help and get the notes from a classmate. If you do not understand something or have a question, please let me know that you are struggling.


Phones and other electronic devices:​ The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices (i.e. smart watches) are not allowed in the classroom.  They must be placed in the phone holders with student numbers at the back of the classroom at the beginning of class.


Absences: When a student is absent, he/she will need to check the assignment board in each of their classes and make note of the assignments missed.  My students will then need to find the necessary work in the makeup work box in my classroom. They may also ask me if they’re unable to figure out what they missed.  I try to keep this responsibility up to them. Videos of missed notes will be uploaded to Google classroom on the same day as the lesson.

Late work: If an assignment is late, 30 points will be deducted from the grade after the 1st day.  After the 2nd day, 50 points will be deducted. After the 3rd day, the assignment grade will result in a zero.  All assignments will be due at the beginning of the student’s math class period unless otherwise stated by Mrs. Cannedy.


*If a student is absent on the due date of a long term assignment (i.e. projects, vocab given the week prior, etc.), that student must turn in the assignment the next day they are present at school. They will not be given extra time to complete the assignment when the due date was set prior to their absences. The due date does not change.  

Corrections: Homework, Class Work, Quizzes and Tests may be corrected to bring the grade up.  Any assignment or test grade below 70 will be eligible for corrections if the assignment was turned in on time and is complete.  The highest grade possible for a corrected paper will be a 70.  There will be a date stamped on eligible papers which will be the latest date that assignment will be accepted for correction. Students will be provided with necessary correction forms and instructions to ensure the best correction grade possible.  In order to get a corrected grade of 70, ALL incorrect answers must be correct.  Otherwise, the grade will be recalculated and reflected on the paper. There is only one opportunity to turn in the corrected paper.