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Grading Policy

HES Second Grade Grading Policy

Second Grade
All grades are equally weighted.

Physical Education
K-2: 2/3 participation, deduct two points for timeout
1/3 Wellness Wed., deduct five points for less than 4 laps

K-2: 100% participation

Holiday Elementary Grading Guidelines:
 For all subjects, there will be a minimum of ten grades.
 When students are absent they will have the number of days they are
absent to make up work. Example: if you are absent for three days,
you have three days to make up your work.
 A student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to redo an
assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing
grade. In most cases that will be during enrichment time in class the
day it is returned or it may be sent home and due the next day. The
grade recorded will be the average of the two grades, not to exceed
 Teachers will enter grades by Tuesday of each week to be accessible
to parents on line.