Meaghan Ervin
I graduated High School at Holliday in 2007.
I graduated College at Midwestern State University in 2011.
I am cerified in Early Childhood to Grade 8 as well as ESL.
I am also Google Certified.
I have taught at Holliday Elementary for 8 years.
The first year I was in Special Education, 6 years in first grade, and 1 in fourth grade reading.
I have been married to my husband, Chris Ervin, for 8 years. We have 3 daughters, Kinley, Tyler, and Parker. Kinley is in 7th grade here at Holliday. Tyler is going to be 5 years old in November. Parker is 2. We have two large dogs.
I love to read. I spend most of my time with my family when I am not at school.