Grading Policy
As per HHS English Departmental requirements, students will receive nine-weeks grades according to the following categories:
Daily Work - 40%
(Typically 10 grades minimum: reading quizzes, weekly warm-up quizzes, group work, smaller writing assignments, smaller projects, grammar exercises, & participation)
Tests/Projects - 40%
(3-4 grades minimum: six weeks vocabulary test, literature unit exams, major writing assignments, & major projects)
Vocabulary - 20%
(5-6 grades minimum: weekly vocabulary quizzes)
Students will be notified under which category individual grades will fall.
Additionally, some grades may count double or triple, and students will be likewise notified.
Extra Credit opportunities may be offered equally to all students during each six weeks.
Work must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Late work turned in within one class day of the due date will receive a thirty (30) point penalty. After that, the grade becomes a zero (0) unless the student has made prior arrangements with me.
Make-Up Work should be completed within the same number of days that the student missed. Homework due on the day of the absence is due upon return to school. If a quiz or test were scheduled for the day of the single absence, then the student should be prepared to take the quiz or test the day that he or she returns to school.
All extracurricular absent work should be completed BEFORE leaving school for the activity. Otherwise, a late grade may be administered to the assignment. Communication with me is key when absent for extracurricular activities.
Current Condition: clear sky
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